My first job was a Cleaner and I loved it

Cleaning! Everyone loves to hate cleaning but once in our lives or currently we do it as a job or a chore. I won't say I'm the tidiest person but I clean when there is a need to or just when I'm bored. But being a CLEANER was my first ever paid job and I was so proud of my job and cleaning.
Back in 1999 after completing Grade 8 at St Luke's Primary School in Gusap, commonly known as Ramu today, my neighbor and childhood brother Alfred (Fred) Baloiloi decided to do something adventurous for the holidays. I mean we had a normal life growing up with mum and dad providing for us and had lots of fun. But that year, we wanted to do something different and against all odds decided we would find a job and work to earn some money during the holidays. And we did!
My late dad Kellie Thom was a graduate engineer from the University of Technology in Lae and Fred's dad was an Instrumental Engineer and both worked in the Factory Department of Ramu Sugar Limited (now Ramu Agri-Industries). So we asked both men (who are very close friends with the Buai and smoke sessions they had) for part-time employment. Since the sugar cane season ended a couple months back the whole factory was undergoing maintenance and cleaning. And a few days later, we got word they we would work with our dads, well not together but as their cleaners practically!
I remember well when we got our uniform. The set included long blue overolls, safety boots, socks and safety glasses. We were pumped and ready to take on the challenge of being cleaners. We sat down with our bosses (dads) and they showed us the map of the Factory premises and boundaries. My goodness it cover half the Ramu Industrial area. And to make matters worse we were told only three of us will be cleaning those areas, the other person an elderly guy called Melpa from My Hagen.
First tasks
Our first tasks as cleaners were to clean the factory office building inside and outside, it was fun until we arrived to our dads offices where were next to each other. It was like a planned moved by our dads because their once very clean and tidy office suddenly became so messy. I mean they practically threw smoke butts and betel but skins right in front of us.
Fred and I did the best job cleaning our bosses office, mainly because we didn't want to disappoint our bosses and secondly we wanted to prove to ourselves we could do such jobs. After the job was done, the offices were clean like before and when walking out dad called on me and I turned around. He pointed to a clean spot and said "You missed a spot", I looked over and there was nothing there until dad poured some cigarette ash from an ashtray there. I didn't say a word I just walked over and cleaned it.
Turning Point - The Lesson
A few minutes later dad called me in sat me down and asked. "Do you love this job?" To which I responded, "Yes dad I wana be the best cleaner in the department." So dad told me, in whatever you do, "Always be content and always be happy and enjoy what you are doing and do it from the heart. That's the only way you will go places and be a role model. Do what you are asked to do and a little bit extra." I have never let that message go and ever since my cleaner days, did everything, every job from my heart.
Now what?
Today many young people don't wana be a cleaner or do a job because of various excuses and reasons. Many don't want to even try to do something or a little extra. Many kids today after exams or during holidays don't want to be shop assistants at Foodmart in Lae or Boroko Food world in Port Moresby. Why? Simply because they don't want to be seen by their peers, they don't want to be given orders and they don't want to do a job which is not their dream job. Take the challenge, be content, be happy and do whatever you do with your heart. Why ashamed of your friends and peers, in 10 working days you will have hard earned money to pay for your data or a new phone.
Many of us come from average families who have the norms of life but we are lazy to do some work that will make you look bad.
I remember our friends said things to Fred and I like "Their dads are managers and they are cleaners!" Fred is one bloke I have seen (me included) have done everything with his heart. I remember Fred was a home dad, a bar tender and many other jobs and now a stable job. Both of us are not holding on to our DREAM JOBS but we have been content and happy with what we have.
I still have my ID from that cleaning job to remind me how far I have come and what I am capable of doing. I remind many to do things with their heart even though its not a dream job.
So a shout out to you all reading this. Do what you are doing with heart, be happy and content and do a little extra of what you are asked for. I hope a simple life story like this from me will inspire you to be a better person full of happiness and heart.


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