Narxson Music: Meri Nakanai and how it all started

It all started with Meri Nakanai a song that captivated listeners around Papua New Guinea and after countless hits like Mangi Morobe, Make up your mind, Mi Saveh, Get You and others. I go back to 2016 to get a sense of how Paul Kelly Narko aka Narxson hit the airwaves.

I go way back with Narxson and he was my junior at Malala Catholic Secondary School in Madang. We both always loved Eminem and rap music in general and while playing a game of Basketball, music would always be playing in the background in the Norsa Hall in Malala. I'm still mentoring in a way and advising Narxson and seeing him prosper and push the boundary on how he produces music only makes me proud.

An interview with Narxson back in 2016

I promised to get you an interview with Narxson and chat about Meri Nakanai and the Pro Ed Studios right? Well I did get the interview and first and foremost  I acknowledge Narxson and Grainger Runialo (Gee Run) for the time and most importantly great music!

Meri Nakanai by Narxson is currently holding on to the #1 spot on the PNG Top 20 for 6 weeks now (2016). And on top of that success Pro Ed Studios has about 3 other songs in the Top 10 alone! Find out more...

The Interview in 2016

Nelson Thom (NT): Good morning bro...Paul!

Narxson (N): Good morning Nelo

NT: How are you doing bro?

N: Never been better...Narapla level blo hamamas na thankfulness mi stap long em right now.

NT:  Good. The vibe around you and Pro Ed Studios and "Meri Nakanai" how's it like mate?

N: It's been awesome bro since the beginning or the inception of the idea of "Meri Nakanai" till now. Gee and the Pro Ed family have grown to become my brothers and above all family. And right now we are all very happy that our work in Meri Nakanai and all the other hits especially Rayleen and Goroka Peles and some upcoming tracks that are in the Hit Parade are gaining recognition and admiration. We could never be so grateful for these achievements.

NT: Awesome sounds by the boys. Now I have known you for a long time and didn't expect you to be called "Narxson". How did that name come about?

N: (laughs) Bro I use to be called by so many a.k.a's but I was once called Narks derived from my surname of course back in Malala Secondary School in Madang. You would know that (laughs). I could have gone with that but because of a number of reasons I got to "Narxson". But the main reason is because I am my father's "son" so I could basically be "Narkoson" but thought I'd add a catchy tune to it so I went with "Narxson". But i think it makes sense...does it? (laughs)

NT: Yes it does make sense, that very honest of you. Now I remember us idolizing Eminem back in school and write short lyrical rhymes and belt out in a classroom, in our rooms or before after basketball games. Now Meri Nakanai, how did that come about?

N: um Meri Nakanai is just one of those rhymes I stacked up inside my lyrical chamber always waiting, searching and longing for that special tune to be the vessel to it. I originally wrote the song in English and Pidgin but thought I'd add some purity of Niugini flavour to it that's why I asked my brother Sedric Bumae who happens to be from West New Britain to translate the rhymes. I got to edit it again and that's when "Meri Nakanai" was born. And yes Eminem is like my ultimate influence on lyricism.

NT: You know I have pictures of you, Sedric and myself in our skinny Malsec days! Anyway, so have you performed live yet? If so what was your first ever live gig you did and what song did you sing?

N: yes back in Malala days bro those were good times. Anyway back to your question, umm yes back in my secondary school days I've performed live with my school band and choir group on a number of occasions but if i could remember well, my first ever live cover performance was the song "Aiwara by Shydeez Band" of Madang in front of about 50 people.

NT: Great stuff, what sort of audience do you say your type of music is targetted at?

N: Thats like a difficult one because what I love to do isn't necessarily what I want the audience to love but I want them to feel and accept the message and the ideas in the songs I create. Music is universal and it's meant to be explored. But to answer your question as an effort, I'd say I hope everyone, young and old, old school and new school. And I also hope my music gets to be heard through out the Pacific.

NT: How many songs do you plan to release and is there an album in the pipeline?

N: Bro Meri Nakanai is like the dawn I've been waiting since becoming an enthusiast in music, since my teenage years and now the door is open and I plan to let everything in the dungeon out. Yes bro I got songs waiting to be released. However, as for an album that'll wait a little, only until I believe I've gained enough followers. But i got three (3) or more songs coming out in the next few months. I also got some feature songs with some artists coming out as well.

NT: Awesome stuff. Now apart from "Meri Nakanai" and Pro Ed releases, what five (5) other current songs in the PNG airwaves do you like?

N: Current songs aye?! Ok I got a list of that;
1. Mori eh Julie - Jokema
2. Mi Bin Rong - Chris Sione ft. MainManNelo, Rusty, Blotz & Sloxmarn
3. Peren O - B-Rad
4. Gutsie Peren - Brixie
5. Meri Ailan - "Mam" Demas Saul
There's some more but you asked for (5) five. Em orait Yumi bung ok yu kam harim ol narapla favorite.

NT: Give us a 'Sneak Peek' of the latest track you are working on. What is it called?

N: Ok I got a few songs all almost ready to come out but I want to give people time to absorb the messages that each song delivers. I'm still deciding on which one to release first. But expect any one of these songs to come out next.

NT: Excellent bro...we are all anticipating now. What do you enjoy about doing music and why?

N: Bro I enjoy everything about music. Creating, making, listening, discovering, I just can't get enough of it. The reason is just simply PASSION. Music influences and the soul to feel the universal of human emotion. Yes i am always in love with music now and forever.

NT: Tell us a bit about Pro Ed Studios. Who owns it and who does the music/engineering there?

N: Pro Ed is founded by Grainger Runialo  (Gee Run) and Adams Pilol (Bata Bah) with assistance and mentoring from Richard Mogu and Macca MacLean (Gee's big bro). And right now Gee is the Chief Executive Producer with assistance from Adams, myself, Elbigz Raingz, Roland Korosi (Iroro) and Nathan West (Guitarist). We are soon to register the studio and officialize the studio as a Record Label.

NT: Okay that's it we done But before we have many fans so tell us where you are from and where do you call home?

N: (laughs) ok mi Mangi Morobe, grew up in Madang and yes like you MainManNelo I call Madang home so you might call me a "Kumul blo Madang". (laughs) just joking...oh yeah and i reside in Goroka.

NT: so you Apo Kumul blo Madang (laughs). Paul Kelly Narko, it has been a pleasure doing this exclusive interview with you and I thank you for your time and wish you and the Pro Ed Studios the best and only success in the PNG Music Industry. Thank you so much!!!

Present Day

Today Narxson is a familiar name in the PNG music industry and while he has pushed the boundary in being one of the first artists in PNG to fuse Future Bass and  Local island reggae with the flavors of what PNG listeners want. With collaborations with big name artists like Uralom Kania, Sharzy (Solomon Islands), Dirty Fingers, Blaccko, Nocturnal and Elbig Raingz, Narxson is set to keep pushing  music and change music in PNG.

Picture caption: Narxson (right) and Elbig Raingz during their Lus Balance tour with Sharzy, Dua Kemz, Gee Run, Ragath Solomon, Jay Fox and Elbig Raingz


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